
Poem Hunter

Great way to find poems and lyrics from poems as well as quotations

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Videos that describe words
Word lists and pronunciations
Very useful for students who are new to English


This is a place where students/teachers write stories and you can publish and share their writing.
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Teach this poem

Provides one poem a week, you can also sign up for poem of the day.
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Image result for NBSS
The following publications and resources have been developed to support NBSS work with schools in addressing students’ social, emotional, positive health & wellbeing and academic and behavioural needs at Level 1: school-wide support for all students, Level 2: targeted intervention support for some students and Level 3: intensive individualised support for a few students. The NBSS Literacy and Learning to Learn materials are particularly aimed at developing students' academic literacy, learning and study skills as part of planned interventions at Levels 1, 2 and 3, across Senior and Junior Cycle.