Biology and Science

Learn Genetics

Discover all about genetics and its implications from the University of Utah

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Ask a Biologist

Explore biology and the world around us. Learn through experiments, puzzles etc.... this is a very cool way to think like a Biologist.

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San Diego Zoo

Animals and Plants habitats and regions
Great videos and webcams:

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Science: BioGraphic -> a great site for sustainable life on earth

Revealing Nature // Inspiring Solutions
Strange and beautiful portraits of biodiversity.
Unexpected and extraordinary discoveries.
Mind-blowing innovations and ideas for sustaining life on Earth.
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Pics4Learning is a safe, free image library for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos & images for classrooms, multimedia projects, websites, videos, portfolios, or any projects in an educational setting.

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Cells alive

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The world of cells and microbes and the immune system. 

Science Bob

Image result for science bobVideos, experiments, science ideas, and links to the web. This is a great interactive website with heaps of content.

Science Book

Interactive site with 3 sections Life, Earth, Physical

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Lawrence Hall of Science



The Lawrence Hall of Science is UC Berkeley’s world-renowned science center and a favorite destination for science fun for more than 40 years. Discover something new, spark your imagination, and get hands-on, feet-on and brain-on when you visit our exhibits for all ages. Explore science by doing science.
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The Science dictionary -> is a specialised search engine. It performs its initial search using google index of webpages and then implements its own filter to get the most apptopriate resources.

Is a collection of simulation-based, interactive activities, animations, and virtual experiments.
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Fun Science Demos

Very cool little science demos and concepts that are important to science.
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Biology at PNBHS

DNA Tube
Some very interesting videos from a range of sciences. They are relevant and the students learn a lot from them.

TED Lessons

What is a calorie? - Learn all about calories simply and easily.

How Blood pressure works 

TED-ED Clubs

This is designed to encorage students to start school clubs and create their own version of TED Talks

How Stuff Works

How stuff works ( is a library of easy-to-understand answers and explinations of how the world actually works. it is divided into 11 subject sections, with articles, videos, podcasts and quizzes to enjoy. Search by keyword or simply explore.

Anatomy Archade has a selection of games, activities and videos for learning about basic human anatomy. investigate the resources by body system or game type.

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Body Maps

Explore the human body in 3D with BodyMaps ( Search multiple layers of the human anatomy, view systems and organs down to their smallest parts, and understand in detail how the human body works.

Interactive Ear

Examine the workings of how we hear sound with the interactive ear ( Select different parts of the ear to view the name and read about the function. Click on the'+' symbol to go deeper into the structure. You can also embed in your website or blog.

3D Classroom


  • Contains biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography and technology modules
  • Motivate and engage students by making the complex easier to understand
  • Adjust the lesson to individual students or a whole class
  • Peer-to-peer teaching: Give students access to the product to explore and search for reliable information, as well as showing their findings to their classmates