
Simple History


This is a great library of how people used to live throughout history

Ancient Origins

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This shows all the latest archeological finds

Alpha History


Has a range of resources to support teaching History, and online activities.

Leonardo Da Vinci

This has some great insight into an amazing mind and how he changed some aspects of history.
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Image result for militaryhistorynow
This is a great site for less commonly known facts, it has heaps of interesting stuff and some cool articles. 


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This is a great place to find out about the worlds most influential 10 leaders

History of the middle ages

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Learning about medieval times, it has loads of resources.

History Buff

A great collection os history articles and stories.
Image result for http://historybuff.com/

The 25 Biggest Turning Points in Earth's History


This is a great site from the BBC packed with very useful information that can be applied to various different subjects.


Our planet has existed for 4.5 billion years, and it has been a busy few eons. Here are the 25 biggest milestones in Earth's history. From leaps forward in evolution to devastating asteroid impacts, these were the turning points that shaped our world.