NCEA - Electronic submission of work
Submission of materials for moderation online
Schools and tertiary education organisations can submit digital materials for moderation to NZQA.
This can be done by providing a direct link (URL) to where the materials have been stored (for example Google Drive, Dropbox, MS SharePoint, etc.).
If necessary, temporary login details should be provided to enable the moderator to view the materials online.
Following this process, materials can be submitted before their due date and may be moderated early.
How do I submit materials?
Once you have stored your files, you will need to log into the NZQA extranet and select your Moderation Plan.
- In your Moderation Plan, select the relevant standard number. This will take you to the Moderation Materials Link page.
- Copy & paste the URL for your shared material into the ‘Enter Materials Link’ box, and click ‘Save’. If necessary, provide a temporary username and password to your cloud storage before saving.
- Clicking ‘Save’ will return you to the Moderation Plan.
- On the Moderation Plan, the word ‘online’ will appear under the standard number. This indicates that the link has been saved.
What does the moderator need to see?
The moderator needs access to the samples of student work for moderation, along with the assessment activity and schedule.
There also needs to be an indication of the students’ grades. This can be a copy of the moderation cover sheet, or could also be provided in some other form (e.g. an indication of the grade alongside the student name: Student 1 M, Student 2 A etc.).
Do I need to organise my documents in a specific way?
If multiple standards are being moderated for a subject, a folder for each standard is required.
If there are multiple items for each student, sub-folders for each student should be used.
A single link for moderation in several subjects is acceptable with appropriate sub-folders. This link will need to be saved against each standard that is being submitted online.
How will I know when the moderation report is available?
The moderation report takes up to six weeks on average to complete.
Once the report is complete, it is immediately available through your organisation’s secure login page under the Moderation Results link.
Unless you wish to seek further clarification or appeal the moderation report, the link to your materials can then be removed.
Please refer any inquiries to modsub@nzqa.govt.nz.